One Eye Man Medicated Oil 单眼佬驱风油 MAL 05121191X
One Eye Man Medicated Oil 单眼佬驱风油 MAL 05121191X Over The Counter (OTC) Product Malaysia, Perak, Penang, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Singapore Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter, Supply | WEN JIANG MEDICAL INDUSTRIES SDN BHD

*14ml per bottle

*12 bottles x 14ml per bag
*1包里有12瓶 x 14毫升


  • Made of the natural chinese herbs.
  • Has a transparent light yellowish colour and a pleasant herb smell
  • Mixing different type of herbs with traditional formulated ingredient to improve effectiveness of herb functions.
  • 由天然草药制成。
  • 具有透明浅黄的颜色和令人愉快的草本气味
  • 以传统配方来混合不同的草药,以提高草药的功效。

Direction to use

Apply this medicated oil on the affected parts. (external use only)


MAL20091857XE, MAL05121191X

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